Thermobonding line

Russia | 2013

Airlay production line for thermobonded nonwovens for mattress applications. A 3.2 m wide Cormatex Vertical Airlay “lap formair V” has been integrated with machines sourced directly by our customer including carding and cross lapping technology. This installation was aimed to widen the production range of the company shifting from pure Polyester carded and cross lapped materials to innovative airlaid products made of coconut fibers, PU foam waste in blend with shoddy fiber and Polyester, wool and many others. The airlaid production ranges from 300 gsm up to over 7000 gsm  and thickness up to 200 mm, proving the advantages in terms of versatility of our lap formair V machine compared to carding and cross lapping technology as well as to most of other Airlay systems.

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