Oiling chamber
This device guarantees the automatic and continuous distribution of the oil emulsion on the fibre being processed. The auxiliary products are homogenously distributed on the fibres by means of spray nozzles; the oil emulsion quantity can be adjusted, according to different fibre blend composition.
Process flow

01.Feed condenser
02. Stainless steel rotating plate
03. Spray nozzles
04. Fiber detector
The fiber is fed to the oiling chamber through a cyclone or a feed condenser (01) and falls on the rotating plate (02) that drives it under the spaying nozzles (03). The fiber detector (04) detects the fibers and activates the spraying nozzles. The fiber is then pneumatically fed to the following process.
Rotating plate diameter: 1800 mm (other dimensions available upon request) material feeding by aspirated cyclone or feed condenser.
Chemical product applied up to 15% (other percentage available on request)
Different types of nozzles available
The oiling chamber is provided with a glass door to facilitate the maintenance process.
Lines on which it can be used
Opening and Blending line
Wollen spinning line